LinkedIn Marketing

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The Professional Network where Brands Grow

Target 740 million members worldwide and drive traffic to generate leads and boost your business growth!

  • According to a statistical survey, LinkedIn is considered as the most effective lead generation site – validated by approximately 93% B2B marketers.
  • 64% percent of visits to a site through social media channel is driven by LinkedIn.
  • Almost half of the consumers think that they will buy a product from a company engaged through LinkedIn.
  • Approximately 51% of business marketers have successfully attained B2C customer through LinkedIn.
  • In comparison to Facebook, Twitter & Blogging; LinkedIn individually results in more leads for B2B companies.

How LinkedIn helps businesses grow their business

Engage potential customers with relevant content and ads, delivering high-quality leads for sales.

Effective business branding with impressive and compelling advertisements that create a lasting impression on prospects, driving brand awareness and resulting in lead generation.

Sponsored updates help businesses connect with the professionals, delivering high-quality and brand-specific, user interest-centric content, through all the available digital mediums – desktop, laptop, and smartphones.

Sponsored InMail help in effective e-mail marketing campaigns, delivering quality content to prospective professionals’ and user’s inbox.

Textual ads help businesses put forward their message and brand specific information in a catchy and compelling manner.

Zava - Professionals who understand what other professionals want

Working with a holistic approach, aimed at providing comprehensive and quality support to businesses for their marketing, we incorporate innovative and creative methodologies, with adept and powerful strategic planning:

Our Work Process

  • Creation and set-up of impressive and professional LinkedIn profile.
  • Creation of custom cover image.
  • We incorporate sophisticated data mining techniques for analyzing user behavior and strategizing the marketing accordingly.
  • High-end LinkedIn marketing campaign programs.
  • Continuous and systematic networking & relationship building with prospective client.
  • We incorporate linking to other social media channels and to business website.
  • Specialized contact development and personal link building campaigns.
  • We create enhanced networking by joining targeted groups.
  • We incorporate linking with Twitter account, which has become a vital methodology for improved brand awareness.
  • We optimize your profile for better search engine ranking.
  • We utilize comprehensive LinkedIn tools to leverage their benefits for a successful brand promotion campaign.
  • Customized content creation with effective marketing regularly.
  • Thorough analysis of the competitor’s campaigns
  • Monitoring of the campaign thoroughly, with regular reporting
  • Comprehensive assistance and guidance to clients on how they can improve their brand awareness and maximize ROI through LinkedIn.