Amazon AWS

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Seamless Amazon Web Services

Zava – A Leading AWS Development Company in the India.

AWS is an online platform that offers dynamic, scalable, reliable and easy-to-use cloud computing solutions. It allows software development companies to migrate their services on AWS cloud platform and set up the cloud environment with infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and a complete suite of software as a service (SaaS).

AWS gives a landing zone, day-to-day infrastructure management, proven enterprise operating model, and on-going cost optimization to different industry sectors.

Since its launch in 2006, AWS has transformed the way how businesses implement cloud computing.

Top Advantages of AWS

Highly Secure

AWS uses an end-to-end approach to secure the infrastructure including physical and operational and software measures.

Scalable and Fast Performance

With AWS tools, Elastic Load Balancing, and Auto Scaling, your application can scale up or down according to the demand. Being backed by Amazon’s massive infrastructure, it offers you access to multiple storage resources.


AWS facilitates you to select the operating system, database, web application platform, programming languages, and other cloud services you need to implement your digital solutions.

We offer scalable and reliable Amazon Web Services

  • AWS Business apps solutions
  • AWS Cloud Solutions
  • AWS Web Application Development
  • AWS Mobile App Development
  • AWS Deployment Services
  • AWS Database Services
  • AWS Lambda Development
  • Amazon EC2 Development
  • AWS AI & IoT Solutions
  • AWS Cloud Automation & Management
  • AWS Administration Services
  • AWS Enterprise Solutions
  • AWS Enterprise Solutions
  • AWS Consulting Services
  • AWS Integration Services
  • AWS Migration Services
  • AWS Monitoring & Support
  • Hire Certified AWS Developers
  • Custom Application Monitoring
  • Managed Data Backups & Restores
  • Managed O/S Updates & Security Patching
  • VPC Configuration
  • Amazon S3
  • Amazon Kinesis
  • Amazon SQS

Why choose Zava for AWS

Zava builds cloud solutions with strong AWS security features to help you in creating a great AWS foundation and deploy sensitive system on the cloud platform.

We have over 10 years of experience in adopting cloud based IT infrastructure to avoid the flaws of maintaining the hardware infrastructure.

Our certified AWS developers give advanced AWS integration, scalable cloud solutions, and seamless user management to clients for ceaseless productivity.

Zava is a certified AWS partner having over a decade of experience in providing IT solutions across the world. You can rely on us with full confidence.